Uncomplicating Love Bundle

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Uncomplicating Love Bundle


Full course bundle | The complete 5-course series. This includes all 10 videos, and all 5 course workbooks.

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When you purchase the bundle you also get exclusive access to 2 live Q&A sessions with instructor Mazi Robinson to dive deeper into the course content and get your questions answered.


Uncomplicating Self Love

Believing Your Love Story

Sometimes we struggle to live from a place of love and believe in the beauty of our own worth. Oftentimes, the biggest barrier to living loved is the story - the story we are telling ourselves about ourselves.

Using Jesus’ powerful encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, we will discuss how to change the story we are telling ourselves and begin believing our true love story.



Uncomplicating Receiving Love

Letting Ourselves Be Loved

Do you sometimes struggle to let others know your needs or to ask for help? Do you long for deeper connection with others but find vulnerability scary and challenging? Yes, we want to love others, but the other side of living loved is learning to let ourselves be loved.

In this class, we will discuss what keeps us from fully embracing love and vulnerability, and how we can develop true, authentic connection in our lives.



Uncomplicating Loving Others

Learning to Love Difficult People

How do we love difficult people? What does it look like to change the patterns in an unhealthy relationship to safeguard our own wellbeing?

In this class, we will draw on Jesus' example of loving others as we discuss how to healthily engage others with grace, truth, and boundaries.



Uncomplicating Feeling Loved

Healing from Rejection

How do we live loved when we don’t feel loved? How do we live loved when there have been people in our lives who either did not love us, or could not love us in the ways we needed?

In this class, we look at our emotional and spiritual health as avenues to heal the deep wound of rejection and discover the courage to believe in God’s amazing love for us.



Uncomplicating Living Loved

Self Love in the Everyday

Living loved changes everything. It changes how we feel about ourselves, the quality of our relationships, and everything we do and say. But HOW do we live out uncomplicated love in our everyday lives?

In this class, you will gain practical and tangible steps for living loved and remembering the beauty of your worth.